Wednesday, November 26, 2014


While I'm sitting on my bed, sipping hot chocolate and enjoying our fabulous five-day weekend, I must admit that there are some people in my English class that I am grateful for and will be thinking about during the break, especially tomorrow. I'm definitely appreciative of my two friends Tikal and Isabel Bravo for bringing a smile to my face every morning during first period. I really enjoy working with them on our group work assignments, and although we have to prioritize work first, there are always some occasional jokes here and there that make my groggy morning a smooth transition into the rest of the day. I am also grateful for Sally because of her kindness and her keen insight in our class discussions. Honestly, I'm pretty timid when it comes to speaking about literary analysis or sharing ideas, but Sally always mentions something intriguing in class that really makes me think and even develop opinions or ideas about the subject matter, and that's awesome because I love intellectual thoughts like that. I know we don't talk much but hopefully we can become good friends as the school year progresses! I'm also thankful for Alejandro for his funny personality that always makes me laugh during lunch! (Speaking of that, if you see this Alleh, we should totally sing more often at lunch! That was always fun!) I'm thankful for Alexis, (hello batman!) who is quiet but also very nice. Plus, her awesome artwork inspires me to make something visually artistic too. I'm also appreciative of Isabella Pena, who was one of the first people I talked to in my division during freshman year! While we don't talk as much now, (and we should) I definitely won't forget shy freshman me making one of my first friends in division. Finally, I want to thank Mr. McCarthy for creating an enjoyable yet challenging English class that improves by critical thinking skills practically everyday. ~

(P.S To all of you guys that comment on my posts: You guys rock! Not only do I feel slightly famous when that happens, but you all inspire me to become a better, more well-rounded writer!
And to everyone else: You guys have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the rest of the break! See you Monday!)


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